Today, Bassnectar begins his 2013 campaign of ‘Dollar Per Basshead’, during which he will take $100,000 from the “Bass Bank”-that is money raised from Bassnectar ticket sales-and donate it to three different organizations. The process works through fans voting online; they pick from three different organizations, and choose which one they support the most. The organization that gets the most amount of votes gets $50,000, with the following two getting $30,000 and $20,000 respectively. The organizations this year focus on digital rights and freedoms, helping those who are need of mental stability, and clinics that offer free or affordable healthcare.
The three organizations to choose from this year are the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Contact USA, and the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics.
Click the above links to learn more about each organization, and you can visit to learn more about the entire campaign. Along with this, Bassnectar will be doing a Q&A TODAY at 1PM PST, via Lorin will be there himself, available to answer any questions regarding the organizations and issues they deal with.