For the sixth year, the BPM Festival will return to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico January 4 to the 13, 2013. An international destination that MixMag throws into their top 10, BPM Festival features over 200 top dj’s and ten days of partying set across the beautiful Mayan Riviera. With ten days of music, guests can choose their own experience opting for the beach and town by day and nightclubs by night or vice versa.
What was originally founded as a dance music industry meeting has evolved into the top international destination for electronic music producers, fans, promoters and dj’s. The area offers accommodations ranging from luxury villas to affordable boutique hotels with an exuberant amount of dining and entertainment options making it perfect for all.

Cheyenne Bosco for
DJ Mag said the following,
The festival affords plenty of space, time and opportunity to meet people on a level as they recline in the blissful setting of a white sandy beach surrounded by lush, tropical plantations, allowing easier integration into the influx of what’s essentially an A-to-Z of who’s who in house music today.
While the lineup has yet to be released, a limited amount of Super Early Bird Special VIP Tickets are now available for sale. If you are already planning on attending BPM Festival 2013, then you should act now and save.
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