Oblivion Pt. 1, a full-length album from Crywolf, gives you a new understanding of what a chill or soft song could be. What may pretty eased rise in energy level on a streamed song could be the head-banging rage part of his live show, for example. Surprises are around every corner with the Crywolf sound and style and this album surely reflects this as a huge array of influences, genres, and moods collide to make a moving, memorable experience in typical highly-creative Crywolf fashion.
Crywolf has been a staple in the dance music community for most of the decade now, the solo act seemingly floats in a space that’s aligned with huge industry names as well as carries a down to earth hang-out persona as well.
With millions of streams under his belt and a detailed world built for his loyal fan-base, Crywolf seems to truly have fun interacting with the music and branding landscape. It takes work to make memorable, envelope-pushing material but Crywolf puts in the works to output something outstanding each time. Oblivion Pt. 1 falls into this category promptly.
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