Every year David Heartbreak and friends take a genre and complete demolish it in the studio. This year, like last year, they decided to take on the challenges that acid house presents. Over sixteen records (and one mix) you’ll get to hear what David, Katnip Traxx, Cy Kosis, Rex Riot, XNDR, and more have come up with. This is a very unique, refreshing way for artists to challenge themselves musically. In modern-day EDM it’s rare for producers to step out of the box like this, WhiteRaverRafting applauds it. Below you can download the “More Acid” compilation and read what David had to say about the project.
“Every year I pick a genre and I holla at my homies and see if they want to push the boundaries even further. This year I chose the genre of acid again. In this compilation you are going to hear our interpretation of acid house. The song selections range from the Origins of the 303, all the way to acid twerk and even Acid Funk. I hope you like it, its some next level production on here.” – David Heartbreak
Download David Heartbreak’s “More Acid” Compilation
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