Now available to stream and purchase globally is something new from the production studio of Ian Snow. Set to play at both Spring Awakening: Autumn Equinox and Lost Lands festivals this year, the Chicago hailing artist continues to develop his sound since rebranding from SNOWMASS.
With the record coming out through FiXT Noir, it is a chance for fans to enjoy two completely fresh exclusives alongside the already heard “Back Off” and “Tektronik.” Snow wastes no time honing his mid-tempo beats with “Dissolution,” which claims the EP’s title. It fully pulls you under with a slowly developing bassline and was inspired by family disorder.
The producer explains: “If you really listen to the verses, you can hear a couple fighting in the background. I’m not usually the one to write music with profound underlying meaning, but this song is different. It’s meant to be from the point of view of a kid listening from his room to his parents downstairs who are on the brink of divorce (dissolution). As the clock ticks away, his anxiety and frustration climbs to the point where all this built up energy needs to be released, which is when the drops come in. I guess you could say the track is one big metaphor for dealing with exasperating situations in our lives that are out of our control.”
“Anarchy” is another must-hear and features the work of Australia’s KYB – again going heavy on the builds and big on instrumentation.
Head below to hear the Dissolution EP in full, or purchase it here.
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