We first introduced you to a killer Zeds Dead Coffee Break mashup a couple weeks ago by The Jane Doze who used Big Sean. Today I present another hip hop mashup of the original track, this time laying B.o.B’s Beast Mode on top. I honestly can’t choose one because they are both just as different as they are similar.
This DOSVEC track sounds like B.o.B straight went in on the original track while The Jane Doze version is little glitchier and more original. All I can say is two thumbs up to Zeds; Coffee Break is an absolute jam that holds the perfect attitude for a hip hop mashup. Makes me wish the WRR crew would have decided to hit the Pretty Lights and Bassnectar after party in ATL that Zeds Dead played.
Furthermore, I am going to go ahead and coin the term DUBHOP (if no one has beat me to it already) for mashup tracks like this. ENJOI my friends. OP-TSIS