If you turned on the news today or briefly checked social media then you’ve probably heard news of the stock market, quarantines, or travel bans. However, coming in as a piece of good news is a statement from Insomniac CEO and owner, Pasquale Rotella. To cut to the chase, EDC Las Vegas will continue! Insomniac and Rotella have been working with local health officials and will be implement new health and safety protocols to be announced at a later date. Another update from Rotella is that Beyond SoCal will not take place next weekend and will instead be rescheduled for June 19th and 20th, 2020. Check out the full announcement below.

We can be sure to hear more news regarding EDC in the coming weeks/months, so stay tuned. That being said, stay safe and we’ll see you all under the electric sky in just under a couple of months!
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