With GA and GA+ passes for EDC Las Vegas already sold out, VIP, Enhanced Experience Passes are the only options left from Insomniac directly. Now there are many perks listed on EDC Las Vegas’ website about what you get. But what you really need to think about is, what problems does the VIP pass solve to really sell it to you:
Rest Rooms
No matter who you are, you’re going to have to use the rest room, and let’s be honest, 1,000s of people using the same porto-potties over and over again will get a bit…used. Come and enjoy air-conditioned bathrooms at kineticFIELD, circuitGROUNDS, and neonGARDEN, and private bathrooms at all other VIP areas. .

We’re gonna dance hall dance hall every day! That’s what we’re there for right? If you want to have the best view in town, come to the elevated viewing platform at kineticFIELD to get your grove on above a beautiful sea of Headliners with the most amazing views. If you want a less crowded dancing area right up front and person, come to the dedicated VIP dancing areas at the other stages including cosmicMEADOW, bassPOD, wasteLAND, and quantumVALLEY.

Dedicated Rides + VIP Lines
The VIP Ferris Wheel, found in the VIP area at kineticFIELD and overlooking the massive stage and the surrounding area is an amazing perk, with far less lines than the one down by circuitGROUNDS for all!
Additionally, additional rides not within the VIP areas will have dedicated VIP lines, think of it as if you have a fast pass for rides!
Less lines, less crowded, personalized service. And special drinks and mixology that you won’t find anywhere else in the festival!
It can be hard to score a nice area to just relax in EDC Las Vegas. And maybe you don’t want to. But for those that do, the unique chill and lounge areas at the VIP areas will give you somewhere to relax, rehydrate, and get refreshed, ready to get back out there on the dance floor in no time!

Some things that people aren’t aware of, is that there are a bunch of total free things included with a VIP ticket including:
- Cell phone charging stations
- Commemorative VIP lanyard
- “Beats & Breakfast” at kineticFIELD, a complimentary breakfast from 4–5:30am daily which includes first come, first served fruit salad, orange juice, bagels, bananas, pastries and more, while supplies last!
- Body paint and beauty bar
- Kandi bracelet making station
- Interactive VIP photo ops at kineticFIELD, circuitGROUNDS, and neonGARDEN

Now that you’re ready for an EDC Las Vegas VIP pass, there are limited Camp EDC passes and EDC Las Vegas VIP passes left, so get yours here, and we’ll see all of you beautiful Headliners at the Speedway!
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