Today HBO announced a new comedy series called Higher, which will be based upon the various happenings in the world of electronic dance music. The series is being written by Irvine Welsh, most famously known for writing the book Trainspotting. Calvin Harris is aiding Welsh and the show is being produced by Jay Z, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Miguel Melendez among many others.
Details concerning the plot are scarce but HBO and Irvine have a proven track history. Companies Overbrook Entertainment, Three Six Zero Group, and Marcy Media sit at the helm of the show. Despite the fact that JayZ and Will Smith have their names attached, the finished product will be most reflective of Irvine and Harris considering they are writing the show and contributing to the story. After a number of failed attempts to spark an American Idol-esque EDM reality show (one of which Will Smith also planned to produce), it will be interesting to see how this comedy develops.
Source: Deadline