Daniel might have one of the best jobs in the world doing merchandise at DC’s new club Echostage (come join us for Porter Robinson this Saturday). Not only is he hooking you up with some of the freshest gear from your favorite companies, but meeting people and seeing some of the best artists in the world. As an entrepreneur myself, I was stoked to talk to Daniel about his business, the scene in DC and his plans for the future.
Enter the Electric Culture Giveaway
This is one of the best contests that we’ve run on WhiteRaverRafting. You have the chance to win a Bad Kids Clothing tank top, Rave Shades diffraction glasses and an EmazingLights edot gloveset. Good luck.
Hey Daniel introduce yourself to our audience. A little about your background and what you’re doing at Echostage.
Hi everyone, my name is Daniel Katz, and I am the founder of Electric Culture. I’m a student who grew up in the Washington D.C. area, and started getting into EDM events and the festival culture late 2010. I am still in school, although I’m currently taking some time to focus on my business and new ventures. My role at Echostage is Merchandise; from artist merch, to glowsticks, to a pink fuzzy dinosaur hood, we’ve got you covered.
When did you start Electric Culture and what is the vision behind it?
Electric Culture opened in Montgomery Mall April 1st, 2012. We moved into Echostage October 14th. It all started when a friend of mine was complaining about her experience ordering gear online. Before every festival, she would order a new outfit, and it would never come in time. The websites couldn’t keep up with the growing demand. That’s when I realized, do something nobody had done before, bring a badass shopping experience focusing solely on this culture to the east coast.
Can you explain the moment when you were like whoa this is actually happening.
I still feel like that all the time, right now actually. I’d have to say when I started getting mail addressed to Electric Culture from the state. It was official, I just couldn’t believe it.
What were some of the biggest challenges that you faced as a small business owner?
Time management, maintaining a social life, and keeping track of all the moving parts. It’s quite the undertaking; I’ve certainly learned a lot that will help me in my next venture.
I know that originally you had a retail location in a mall and that you moved to Echostage. How much of a difference has the move made? Can you describe what it’s like making that decision as a business owner? Did you ever want to quit?
When the opportunity to be a part of Echostage presented itself, I jumped at the chance. The chance to reach all of those concertgoers, every time, couldn’t be passed up. It’s almost like vending at a festival, but down the street, every weekend. It was a no-brainer. Not only that, but now Electric Culture is bringing it direct to the environment. I think that’s really cool, focusing on that recently has given me a whole different outlook. After the mall was tough, I never thought I would find a place. I never wanted to quit; it more made me angry I didn’t have a solution. Echostage has been a godsend; I absolutely love it there. Did I mention I have a perfect view of the stage?

Holding down the merchandise at Echostage
Why do people need to come to Echostage and check out the scene in DC? What makes it different than other cities in the US?
People think DC is boring, they think monuments and government buildings. Wrong, this is the nation’s capital, a power city, and Echostage reminds us just that. When you walk into Echostage, I promise you will be blown away. The scene in DC is booming, and has been for a long time. We see quite a caliber of artists out here, and diverse styles too.
Is selling EDM merchandise at one of the hottest venues in the country the dream job? What have been some of the crazier things that you have seen?
Absolutely. I never expected this. This has made the whole journey worth it ….. Can’t really get into that, but nothing surprises me anymore, let’s just leave it at that.
What are some of the skills entrepreneurs and new business owners need to have today? What’s the number one skill you wish you had, but don’t currently?
Important skills would be the ability to network, basic understanding of accounting, and the ability to plan ahead. I find these very relevant. Going into this I knew I would need to be more organized, that has been my biggest challenge, keeping track of everything. The amount of mail, email, product shipments, invoices, paperwork, etc. is just overwhelming.
At my blog I like to talk about how I’m living and chasing the dream at the same damn time. What’s your outlook on life, business and all things in between?
I always wanted to be involved in business. I never expected it would be selling fluffies and LED gloves. Don’t be afraid to take an opportunity, and don’t be afraid to create one for yourself. This has been the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had, knowing I could do it and I actually did it.
Make something happen. Don’t be afraid to fail. Just go for it, in all aspects of life.