With a keen sense of branding and an infectious nature about him that’s hard to put into words, Damiano Cortini aka Emorifik has earned what he has built up. The man has a massive passion for what he does and a fire to keep it all going, this energy is magnetic, drawing more bass fans to him that he shows love and grace to. His heavy focus on a music career started at 14 and and has led him to huge accomplishments at the age of 20, which brings us up to today.
Emorfik’s “Time,” goes above and beyond what your average bass track would typically contain. He tosses in a ton of experimental gestures and effects, yet ties it all together in a fluid, orderly fashion where it still will bang out proper at an event. The song contains sonic cues that are familiar to his signature sound while boasting plenty of surprises within.
Before it’s release, “Time” gained over 600K views from videos it was used in and dozens upon dozens of comments, the hype was built around it and the moment has come where fans get their fill. Emorfik is currently embarking on a massive 35 city headlining tour – again, at 20 years old – the guy has the talent, consistency and work ethic to take his vision to great places in this life.
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