Feather and Sintra were clearly meant to work together and “Let Go. feat. Luma,” is proof of this claim. The beat is smooth and clean, rolling out a dream house beat that sets Luma free to allow her vocals do their thing. Not trying to impress with intense drops or complex sections, “Let Go,” takes a ‘less is more’ approach, the subtle changes and small details being apart of what makes this one joyous. The slick basslines provide a deep house presence that hits the spot, this paired with a live drums aesthetic makes the track a winner on multiple fronts.
In celebration of this release, Feather will share free NFT’s as a gift to his fans. If you pre-save any of his upcoming releases, you will automatically get a private code where you can redeem it. The presave can be found here.
Feather has been on the rise, from the success of his debut EP Becoming last year to his always envelope-pushing sound, the man is full of surprises and he’s reaping the benefits – continuing to maintain over 100,00 monthly listeners on Spotify.
Sintra is Nashville based and isn’t afraid to be different. An avid experimenter and risk taker, his approach has certainly garnered him attention, maintaining a nice growth track as the months go by. He’s 3 originals and 1 remix deep, with 2022 looking to be his best year yet.
Connect with Feather
Connect with Sintra