Gareth Emery has been around through the rise of EDM in the states and globally. Today he continues to maintain a heavy presence in the scene.
His hyper-unique and well-versed experience in so many corners of the new global streaming music era, maintaining a constant and large presence over this entire span of time, makes him a unique authority on what’s relevant and what works musically.
With that caveat in mind, the ears certainly perk when it comes to what Emery showcases. Most recently bringing together live instrumental work – in-particular electric guitar – into his realm of creative norms, 2021’s “Sad Song,” slices many elements of these introduced traits Emery embraces into a topical, gradually consuming single.
“Sad Song,” highlights the rapid demise the music industry took a hit on in 2020, with CO-VID making live events not possible, Gareth Emery putting a unique take in the messaging.
Check out the single below.
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