Girl Walk All Day is an interpretative indie dance film that follows three different dancers through their urban exploration of New York City. Each part of the movie is set to the different tracks released on the latest Girl Talk album All Day (download here).
The film is the work of Jacob Krupnick an aspiring art photographer in New York who found the main dancer Anne Marsen during the filming of a promotional footwear video with craigslist beginnings. Something about Marsen’s style captivated Krupnick and he hyperventilated when thinking of the idea for Girl Walk All Day.
After posting a trailer and preview that got picked up by major media outlets like the Huffington Post, the group raised funds for the film through Kickstarter, a crowdsourced social do-good fundraising startup. With over $24,000 raised filming ended October 8th and the full feature film is set for its free debut December 8th at the Brooklyn Masonic Temple (RSVP).
Awesome story, passion, and dance moves. Enjoy part one.