Haywyre aka Marting Vogt released “Two Fold: Pt 1” today. Young for the world but not the scene, the proficient 21 year old added to his discography with his fourth album to date. He is trained in piano, but also contributes guitar and all original stems for Two Fold. With a sound that can be described as jazz with classical influences in a progressive style, Vogt quotes other members of Electronic Music like Noisia, Flying Lotus, and KOAN Sound as inspiration.
The album starts off with “Prologue (Part 1)” a dramatic piano solo showcasing Vogt’s artistry. He moves up and down the keys while changing tempo and tone, setting the listener up for his vision of the album. In his excerpt from Soundcloud he describes the album saying, “These tracks explore duality through simplicity and complexity, organic and synthetic, energetic and calm.” and you can really get a sense of that from his next two tracks: “The Schism” and “Dichotomy”. Schism is defined as, “division or disunion, especially into mutually opposed parties” which fits perfectly with this track. It starts off with a beautiful melody before entering into a glitchy-synth episode of sound. “Dichotomy” mirrors the style of “Schism” beginning with melodic notes and gorgeous saxophone before interpolating those sounds with harder gritty synths and drums. “Sculpted” is the next track on the LP, starting off with snappy snare and heavy tones before introducing robotic lyrics extolling originality. The next song “Dopplegänger” continues the objective of duality by opening with relaxed wavey guitar before launching into his hardest section of the album thus far, then closing with calming cascading drums. Haywyre contrasts the “Voice of Reason” with his previous track by being noticeably slower, funkier, and calmer. He does this by using funky transformed vocals over a simple beat at a moderate pace. Vogt brings us back up to speed with gorgeous lyrics over a faster, simple beat on “Time”, his second to last track on the album. Two Fold closes with “Permutate”, a brooding beat with semblances of deep house. Permutate means to change, and you can see how the artist has developed and innovated with this last track.
It took me a few times through, and some thinking about the message and idea that Haywyre was trying to convey through his music before I really began to understand and vibe to it. I think this is a statement to his artistic talent and message. If you find yourself with mixed feelings about this album give it a few listens and his ideas will become apparent.
Gastro-entérite aiguë est un problème mondial de santé publique, en second lieu seulement à l’enfant de l’incidence des infections respiratoires, comme les deux premiers, en particulier les enfants de moins de cinq ans dans les pays en développement, l’apparition de cas de 305 milliards de cas dans le monde chaque année, dont 50,01 milliards cas de décès. Cincin de moins de 2 ans, près de deux jours sans incitation évidente pour commencer la diarrhée, des selles molles plusieurs fois pour tirer le quotidien jaune, la fièvre basse, parfois de qualité, ont refusé de manger.
YU Xiao Feng a déclaré que, après leur descente, Lee et ses collègues femme pourchassé femme avec un sac le frapper, Lee a ensuite frappé à coups de poing, ses sourcils a tiré une balle dans un grand nombre de flux sanguin. Lee m’a courir à jouer, je viendrai avec un tournevis, gratté son regard du ventre.