In the realm of the electronic underground, an intriguing vibrancy resonates from the work of Jives, an Australian maven steadily etching his mark on SoundCloud’s vast soundscape. While house has historically boasts hypnotic flows and staccato rhythms, Jives’ rendition of the genre is a confluence of the crisp ease and velvety textures reminiscent of vintage house anthems.
“Flow Steady,” his latest venture with FUXWITHIT Records, is emblematic of this synthesis. The track’s intriguingly looped rap sample seamlessly dovetails with hip-hop vocals exuding an ineffable swagger. Yet, the track doesn’t merely dance on the cusp of house and hip-hop; the chunky drums and lush soundscapes reveal a meticulous craftsmanship that’s easy to pick up on.
The rise of platforms like FUXWITHIT, originally a 2014 music blog with inclinations towards hip-hop and electronic, plays an important role in the culture of electronic. The ascendancy of their label, now boasting eclectic artists from Dabow to Chromonicci, indicates the fulfillment of a bigger demand within the umbrella of electronic. And at this crossroads, Jives stands, bringing together emotional resonances with insatiable grooves.
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