While shows are just starting to get back on base, the broad electronic internet-scene simply cannot get enough of juuku in their lives – nor can prominent West Coast label Moving Castle. Having signed juuku’s not-yet-totally-revealed Warmth, this is now the solo mystery musician’s 3rd single teased off the EP, “Just Lost,” and is a collaboration with the popular Manila Killa.
Explosively technical and a boasting hard-future-bass temperament, the mouth watering melodic drop very much is a high-point in this single. Delivering an almost anthemic feel through this moment in particular, the parts around it are easier to get more invested in when repeating the track a 2nd and 3rd time. To expand, the single is one of those vibes that grows on your with each passing listen.
Craftmanship at it’s finest and a thorough ear for what works under this moniker, the singles juuku has teased from Warmth puts the April 7th full reveal of the EP at an even more anticipated plateau.
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