Already a whole 4 months have passed since juuku dropped his debut EP Warmth, a Moving Castle release which went on to smashing success. Over summer, juuku went on to play his first show in Houston, Texas, another win for the mystery artist we still don’t have a name or face to.
Now he’s back with “i tried,” a single that hit’s the spot and has many of the qualities we know to be juuku’s style. Cut-up vocals and piano keys start off the vibe as the bassline soon kicks in. The vibe quickly slides into build-up mode, transmitting to a daunting drop with gritty, future like qualities. The bridge combines what was heard at the beginning, yet this time with extra melody work that brings the experience to a deeper emotional mode. The second drops slaps, getting more technical and gritty, making the experience even more of a trip.
juuku has put out dozens of songs over a short period of time, many of them passing the 100,00-500,000 total stream count threshold. His music has caught the attention of global listeners, but in partiular the west coast, who can’t seem to get enough of him.
He’s announced he will be joining Slow Magic on his 10 Anniversary tour, a honor in itself and a certain booster to the career that is already blossoming.
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