Max Porcelli, an enduring figure in the Italian electronic scene, began his journey in 1989. Driven by a passion for sound, he embraced roles as a producer, DJ, and party promoter, constantly pushing the boundaries of his craft. His multifaceted career reflects his love for what he does, experimenting and evolving his sound over two decades.
From nearly 70 singles, EPs, albums, and remixes, Porcelli’s influence is widespread. He has collaborated with notable labels and artists, remixing for the likes of Angie Brown, Jocelyn Brown, Cheryl Porter, and Oliver Cheatham.
Premiering on Magnetic Magazine’s SoundCloud page, “Lotus” gave fans an early taste of its deep, groovy textures. The track features a natural synth hook, topped with proper vocals and chipper percussion end as well. Inspired by the organic and deep house movement, Porcelli draws from Lee Burridge’s “All Day I Dream” label, blending melodic elements to create an immersive experience. The release of “Lotus” not only showcases Porcelli’s expertise but also promises more innovative sounds in the future, reaffirming his place in the scene.
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