Earlier today Pretty Light’s Music producer Michal Menert released the video for his track “Your Ghost,” a dark yet beautiful recollection of the pain he endured after the death of his father.
Every moment of the video drips with raw emotion, as Menert travels aimlessly through a series of landscapes, only to end up in a seedy motel with a fifth of liquor, a bladder of boxed wine and a group of seemingly unaware friends. Menert attempts to mask the agony of loss with alcohol, only to awaken the next morning with the bitter taste of a cruel reality.
There are moments in this video that rip into your heart and leave you wishing you could somehow lessen his burden. Scenes of Menert crying into a hotel sink and languishing over his father’s grave are enough to bring you to tears, but at the end of the video you feel a hint of contentment as he embraces a woman, perhaps meant to symbolize his mother.
By letting the world peer into his most intimate moments, Menert gives us a precious gift: music that symbolizes the visceral reality of life. Watch the poignant video below.