Butch Serianni is OddKidOut, a young 21 year old based out of West Philadelphia. With the drums under his belt since he was six, the young virtuoso quickly was admitted to the notorious School of Rock five years younger then the average admission age at 11. He then went on to start touring as a drummer at 13 . Fast forwarding to 2016, Serianni went on to launch his own label, be featured on Instagram’s music page and parter with Native Instruments.
OddKidOut is now here to start off 2017 with his EP “Full Circle”. “Wonderfull” is his new spin on the already released track from him, adding an upbeat tempo perfect for the club. You’ll be left with a yearning for the upcoming summer season, but in the mean time make sure to keep up with OddKidOut by following this talented producer below!
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