2020 has been one hell of a long year, and one thing that has gotten us through the hours of the day is a good meme. We’ve collected our top 10 memes that we have found in 2020 and wanted to share it with you all. (Well there are a couple of extra’s, couldn’t help ourselves!) As we head into the New Year, we hope things begin to look brighter and at the very least you can escape from reality and have a good laugh. We love you all. Please enjoy.
1. Alright Grandma, Time for Bed

Who else feels like this will be them when they’re older?
2. Looking a Hot Mess After the Rave

We looked good at the beginning of the night, we swear!
3. When Your Family Asks You About Those Raves You Go To

What happens at the festival, stays at the festival. Or at least within your rave fam.
4. Ah yes, Sweet Sweet Memories of Festival Security

While we totally appreciate the job they do, I think we can all relate after losing that precious pack of gum or chapstick.
5. Why Can’t Walmart Have a Map?!

We would rather get lost in a sea of ravers looking for that dolphin totem then trying to find that last thing in the store.

Sometimes music is the answer. And other times, psytrance is all we need.
8. & 9. But Tipper Though… #IYKYK

10. So This Describes Us in a Nutshell

And we will finally have it once we can all rave safely together again.
Honorable Mentions!
Hit Us With Those Laser Beamz

For Those Friends That Don’t Quite Understand the Obsession

We hope you all got a good laugh or two in. What have been your favorite meme’s this year? See you in 2021!