Jailo is one my favorite sounds coming out of Moving Castle. His tunes are, well, a collective of sick moods and dynamic, quality experiences that encompass elements of a blossoming sub culture. From clever throwback samples to edgy twists on trending future sound design; Jailo has a natural grasp on who he is and where he best contributes within the sub-culture.
Recently, Jailo landed his remix of the smash hit “It’s Strange” by Louis The Child on the official remix EP. The remix pack is currently circling the internet and can be found practically anywhere there’s curation going on.
In general, my favorite of Jailo’s is “Soda Glaciers”, an ultra poppy future bass original featuring a dash of nostalgic Nintendo samples. Yet, when each tune passes – as experienced in Jailo’s “ORIGINALS” playlist – each track is remarkably different comparatively in tempo, sound, and feeling.
It’s traits like these that made me want to reach out to Jailo. He’s provided an exclusive mix to RaverRafting that takes you on a deeper journey.
For the first time, our new hosts, Drew and Lee, founders of Sweet Science based in Birmingham, have partnered with us to produce the mix. The two have exceeded 100 shows via Sweet Science Radio, hosting everyone from Wick-It to The Chainsmokers and more. Each week they blast out a wide array of bass music, live every Saturday at 10PM CST. Mad future plans afoot.
Dive into Jailo’s exclusive mix below, this is one you don’t want to miss.
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