Run The Trap VII has a lot to offer all of you trap lovers out there, we start with a remix of the infamous ‘Internet Friends’ by Clinton Sparks, then move on to gLAdiator‘s remix of Jay Z’s ‘Public Service Announcement’. You’ll also hear 5 & A Dime‘s refix of Flosstradamus‘ ‘DETAILS’, Rell The Soundbender‘s ‘Angels X Demons’ featuring Clint Mansell, Enferno‘s mashup titled ‘Females Welcomed’, and NoyBoy‘s remix of Otto Knows‘ ‘Million Voices’.
We also added both of Datsik‘s Trap VIP remixes of ‘Bonafide Hustler‘ and ‘Swagga‘, is case you missed them at the beginning of the week. Enjoy all the free downloads.
5 & Dimeclinton sparksdatsikEnfernoflosstradamusgladiatorinternet friendsjay-zJim JonesNoyBoyRell The Soundbenderrun the trapThe DIE TrapTrapTrap VIPVII