Returning after a year, “Migrations,” follows up the critically acclaimed energy that “Long Distance Call,” dished out from Scasca. If you haven’t heard, “Long Distance Call,” go back and take a listen – it will be a decision you won’t regret.
With that said, “Migrations,” stands on it’s own two feet and has plenty of distinctive qualities within. The track plays out like a chill cinematic experience, not following a fixed tempo through it’s entirety, but certainly laying down some tasty jams that catch one’s attention. An instrumental experience, the production components here certainly speak volumes, showcasing specific moods that make one reflect on the past. The track has that ability to stick, driving it’s hooks into the listener where’s it’s hard to skip on to the next track. If the cut up vocal work doesn’t win you over, the sense of Zen it delivers on certainly will.
Based in Saint Petersburg, Russia, his experimental sound design and lo-fi sensibilities pair together to drive an infectious nature that’s hard to beat.
The sound of Scasca, which means ‘fairy tale,’ in Russian, illustrates a sound that puts you in a misty forest somewhere deep in a Finish fable, the sound making it easy to trigger imagery in the mind of the listener.
One can expect this not to be the last single this artist makes, given the wavelength he is on mentally to achieve this state of sound, there’s got to be more where this came from via this talented electronic artist.
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