Sintra is going all out from the very first moments via this new branch of his career. “Break,” is his debut single under this alias, unleashing some tasty bass house vibes with plenty of club friendly aesthetics embedded within. “Break,” is haunting and minimal at some moments, melodic and catchy at others, his balanced framework with this first single he’s created foreshadowing great things to come.
After getting a dose of electronic music while attending Bonnaroo Music Festival, something was forever changed in Sintra aka Dennis Mongan. He committed himself to putting his own foot in the electronic music game, contributing his well-designed vision to the scene. “Break,” is set to be the first of many to come for Sintra.
Much mystery still surrounds this new artist breaking into the scene, but picking up on the context clues, one can draw many facts as to what he’s all about: An artist of creative integrity, a solo musician who takes the game seriously, and someone who isn’t disappearing anytime soon.
Check out “Break,” in it’s entirety below.
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