You have a pretty big catalog, even in the past year alone you’ve put out 3 EPs, as well as a variety of remixes and collabs. How do you maintain such a high work ethic while still creating stuff that is fresh and original?
It’s just always been my workflow. I just like creating themes, not sitting on them for weeks or months. Whether they’re fresh and original I let the listeners decide, I just make what I feel like making at the moment.
Your name is popping up more and more often on dubstep lineups and forums alike. As someone who seems to be pushing dubstep forward, where do you see the genre going?
It has it’s solid spot in the music of this and next generations already. Dubstep will forever help create more and more interesting (sub)genres, like you see with the influences on trap, future stuff, house etc. It will not be a huge mainstream genre (again) and I’m surely happy with that; keeps the posers out and real bass lovers in.
What has been your biggest obstacle in making your name what it is? What have been your most rewarding moments?
I’ve always been terrible at branding. That could have helped, and still can of course. Especially nowadays you see how much it pays off when you have a good brand standing, makes it easier for the big crowds to see and remember you. But honestly I’m happy that I got to where I am today by just making music and people following me for just that, and that’s for me by far the most rewarding aspect of my career.
What can fans expect from your current tour? What are you doing different or better than your contemporaries?
I’m reading and hearing a lot from show visitors that they’re happy when a dj plays lots of dubstep. Since there are so many awesome subgenres related to dubstep most dj’s try to mix them all into an hour, which can be great when done properly. But I feel like the base of most bass music events -where I get booked at least- is dubstep, and that’s what I love and play most.
What inspired you to take a break from your USA tour to do a short run in Australia and New Zealand?
Well I did my first tour there exactly a year ago – so it’s about time to get back! The dubstep scene in Australia is amazing. New Zealand is gonna be a first and I’m crazy excited. Heard good things of the shows there too. And LOTR of course.
What’s next for you? How will you continue to evolve your sound in the years to come?
This year is all about touring and getting my name and style out there. But it’s hard to stand out in the herd. My focus is definitely staying on dubstep for the near future, and I’m planning on just making serious bangers. No more playtime. Well actually playtime over 9,000.
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All pictures courtesy of Spag Heddy’s Facebook