“Wild,” by SVDKO is one of those songs that catches you off guard from the get-go, in terms of it’s catchiness and attractive components. Making one wonder, “why is this happening?” A few replays and an idea starts to become clear as to what’s going on. SVDKO’s clever incorporation of trends going on today find their way into his track, subconsciously triggering a familiarity that the song brings out deep within.
The toplines rocks a melody that one may find in a 24kGoldn single while the beat itself sounds something like Skrillex’s recent collaboration with Siiickbrain. There ends up being so many different takes going on at on moment, that something fresh and original ends up being rendered.
SVDKO’s got talent and “Wild” is the most recent example that proves it. A quick look at his Spotify shows he has millions of plays to his name and a catalog that makes it clear he’s no one-hit wonder. Check out the single below.
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