The worst kinds of people you’ll find at a rave… did we miss anyone?
10.) Don’t Touch Me Bros.
Not all bros are bad.. but the over aggressive “Did you just touch my trap muscle, I’m going to eat your face!!!!” kind give them all a bad name. So if you’re this kind of bro, PLUR up a bit or stay home.
9.) Anyone With A Whistle.
If the bros want to take out the people with whistles, all fine by me.
8.) Annoying Drunk Betches.
You know that girl who thinks she’s hot and decides that because she’s hot and drunk she can just pull her little train of girls to the front.
7.) Teenagers.
Music festivals are more like marathons and less like Project X. If you’re blacked out before you get in the gate, you’re not going to last very long.
6.) People who can’t put down their iPhone.
Snap a picture or a quick video. Nothing wrong with saving the moment. It takes a special kind of person to sit there, not dance at all, and just hold their phone up the entire set. If you have an Android phone, you’re putting it down because the battery is already dead.
5.) Creepers.
Some people just can’t get over why scantily clothed women just want to dance and not be subject to intense grinding.
4.) Over protective boyfriends.
You accidentally bump into their gf or spill a little bit of your beverage and they go red, immediately seeking blood.
3.) Whoever wants to crowd surf.
Ain’t nobody got time for that.
2.) T-shirts like this.
I blame Madonna and your parents. Is the next generation doomed?
1.) People who sit down on the dance floor.
It’s not a protest, it’s a rave. Get up and dance or go find another space!