Beeple (AKA Mike Winkelmann,) is a graphic designer from Charleston, SC, USA known for his variety of digital artwork including short films, Creative Commons VJ loops, everyday renders, and VR / AR work. After he began releasing a set of widely used Creative Commons VJ loops he has worked on concert visuals for Justin Bieber, One Direction, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Eminem, Zedd, deadmau5, and many more.

Beeple is currently on his 14th year or 5023 consecutive days making at least one work of art every day. Using Cinema 4D and mostly Octane, instead of trying to learn new software, he is aiming to focus on some of the fundamentals like color, composition, value etc.
“These pictures are all done from start to finish every day. The purpose of this project is to help me get better at different things. By posting the results online, I’m “less” likely to throw down a big pile of ass-shit even though most of the time I still do because I suck ass.”
“I think the topic of art valuation is a very interesting subject. I think in some ways it comes down to issues of supply and demand, but is also further complicated with digital assets that can be copied at no cost. I honestly don’t think there are really any ‘right’ answers but personally I feel that there is room for both sides. While it is obviously true that most people will not pay for something that they can get for free, there exists a large amount of counter points to that argument on sites like Patreon where people give money free to people whose work they enjoy. I think sometimes people concentrate a little too much on trying to come up with some great business model when they should be focusing a bit more on their craft.”
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