Everyone that didn’t make it out to The Hudson Project this year is probably still wondering what happened. What we know: it rained… badly. The final night was canceled and some festival attendees were stranded because their cars couldn’t handle the incredibly slick mud. We’ve reported on all of that, like other EDM websites and local news outlets from Saugerties, New York.
Though, what everyone hasn’t really been talking about is the reaction of the ravers when everything started going down hill – literally. I’ve seen Instagram video clips and pictures of mud slip and slides, people playing in self-made mud pools and heartwarming USA chants floating around the internet; however, this four-minute film that one RaverRafter named Matt DeBellis put together captures the extracurricular activities of that fateful day flawlessly, and it is properly titled “The Mudson Project.” Aside from the music and good vibes, this is what really happened in Saugerties, New York last weekend.