Let’s be honest, this image seems like the most click bait thing ever. Why would we put a photo of two people getting married as our featured image? Well, believe it or not that’s Sidney Samson and Eva Simons. As if their collaboration on “Celebrate The Rain” wasn’t good enough already, the idea that the track was released only a few months before their wedding day makes our hearts warm (especially on this extra cold night on the East Coast). Now that that’s out of the way, on to the music!
Welcome to week 14 of Throwback Thursday! We couldn’t be more excited to bring this track back into your life (or in it for the first time) as it never really left our musical radar. “Celebrate The Rain” by Sidney Samson & Eva Simsons was released in 2014 and immediately hit chords with the electro-progressive scene. Between the chills and the smiles the track brings us, its powerful vocals and hard hitting kick drum still fill us with that progressive energy even five years after the official release. That, paired with the idea that these two artists were engaged while they made this song makes us want to blast it on our own wedding day. Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Last but not least, make sure you listen to the extended version of the track below, it definitely does more justice than the radio edit. Until next week!
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