Time To Come With Us EP represents more than just a strong collection of work from Panteros666, it reveals an evolution-of-sorts for the label, Confession, moving into a new prism of sound and style. With that, Panteros666’s EP certainly has a shade of experimentalism stringing through it that delivers a fresh splint of distinction.
Panteros666’s music influence started in North France where he grew up, his first serious interaction with music came via his intrigue with drumming. His focus on the instrument led to joining up with dance-punk bands, then eventually let to a transition into the techno scene in 2011. That same year, he would have his first releases begin to hit Spotify.
Panteros666s’ decade under just this alias and interest in technologies just as much as instrumentation unilaterally propelled him to more and more success, which continues on today.
“Time To Come With Us,” and “Eugenix,” mark his debut onto Tchami‘s label Confession.
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