The melding of the influences between the 3 members of LVNDR.SOUND mixed together with the expert brass inclusion of Eric ‘Benny’ Bloom has captured a sweet essence that you won’t want to part with. “Virtual One,” nails a beautiful array of electronic influences and instrumentation all coming together to capture an energy that’s fun filled and something that all ages can appreciate.
Carefully crafted and the tune not leaving the studio without just the amount of love given to it, the single hits with impact for a reason.
The release starts out with some easy-going vibrations, the house beat and smooth synth effects providing a sedating platform which the rest of the release builds off of. The funk-filled bass begins to build off the colorful and joyous nature of the single. Once the keys and brass inclusions slide in, it’s game over. When it’s hooks truly begin to sink in you, one’s head begins to bob and the spirit of what the song is all about begins to flow through you. “Virtual One,” is a nice balance overall, it go to extreme but is far from dull.
Hailing from Denver, Colorado, Josh Fairman (Sunsquabi), Geoff Bremer, and Jay.Greens (Perception Records) all come from experienced, multi-faceted backgrounds and all have found just the right format to work together. With their debut single “Nebula,” now behind them, released on Perception Records, the future is looking bright for group. Don’t be surprised if time passes and these dudes have a extensive list of credits and achievements under their belt, that’s the type of energy that surrounds this project.
Connect with LVNDR.SOUND
Connect with Eric ‘Benny’ Bloom