This past weekend, Destructo brought back his All My Friends Music Festival to the music lovers in downtown Los Angeles. After a successful debut last year, All My Friends returned to the urban yet beautiful area at the Row. Contrasting from last year’s diverse line-up of hip-hop and EDM, this year’s line-up specialized more in the deeper side of electronic music, with a primary focus on house music.

This year, AMF also scaled their size down from last year’s three stages to this year’s two stages. Not a problem though. The festival was still able to bring a crowd of 10,000 attendees across the two days. The downsize also made the space much easier to navigate through and also made the festival seem more intimate. The stages were only a short walk apart and it never felt too crowded anywhere in the grounds.

This year, AMF also shortened their hours, starting each day at 6PM and ending around midnight. Again, not a problem. Each DJ performed right after another, perfectly transitioning into their set right after a performer’s last song. Everything just seemed so seamless. Speaking of DJ’s, this year’s line-up was stacked with an incredible line-up of the greatest house DJ’s, including Justice, Blondish, DJ Harvey, Black Coffee, and so much more.

On the first night, Actor turned DJ, Idris Elba performed on the Friendzone Stage, which was the same monumental and bright stage used in last year’s set-up. Idris played a fun and energetic house set that proved he can do much more than acting. He mixed classics with new-age tracks as he danced along with the crowd.

On the second night, Diplo performed a special, never before done b2b with MK. Together, the duo turned the festival into a huge house party as lights and fog sparked up the night. Later that night, Diplo performed a special surprise set at the hidden stage that was only accessible through a very secret porta-potty. Local favorites such as Mike B and LA Riots were also seen at this stage.

Despite all the changes to this year’s festival, Destructo and AMF were able to work out the kinks and make the festival another success. This year brought in a more intimate crowd and a better focused line-up, along with better vibes. We’re glad to have experienced another year at AMF and we’re excited to see this festival keep growing. Like the many flags and t-shirts we saw this past weekend, “In Gary We Trust”.
All Photo Credit: Willy Song
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