Autograf has been a staple of the global dance scene, but few place adore the trio of Chicago talent more than the states. It feels like Autograf have never taken a break since their first pop around a half a decade ago. Since then, collaborations, EPs, originals, and live festival performances have been a pillar of what has allowed them build a strong and loyal fan base.
While there are parts that have remained the same with group, the music certainly hasn’t. Love & Retrograde, reflects the groups sharpness when it comes to trends, sounds, co-writers and producers, music influences in general, and so one. Fan expect progression and evolution, which Autograf provides without departing from their pillars. The EP isn’t one type of sound throughout but more of moods offered through the Autograf lense, the experience feeling diverse and deliberate.
Autograf has plethora of content that can sifted through, if this is down your lane, pop their name into YouTube or SoundCloud and your day’s set.
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