One of Germany’s tropical ambassadors, Felix Jaehn, has undoubtedly been on the rise over the past months with blissful remixes and glittering originals that have been loved by the masses. Jaehn’s 2014 remix of OMI’s “Cheerleader” received only a minimal amount of love upon its initial release in the US. But, according to music charts across the globe, international fans ate the song up and shot it straight to the top of music’s most influential platforms.
The remix hit the Top 10 of iTunes in 18 countries, the Top 10 on Shazam in 7 countries, and the Top 10 of Spotify in 14 countries to name a few statistics. The obvious question here is, “how did we not know about this?” Thankfully, the song has been circulating like crazy and fans are now able to get through the winter because of Jaehn’s tropical smash.
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