Once again showcasing a diverse blend of genres and themes within one project is LUZCID. The bass artist has put together a four-track EP for Wakaan titled Prophecy, and it’s out now.
The beginning is nothing short of epic with its expansive energy and driving sonic waves, setting the tone of the rest of collection fantasticially. This space theme continues with “Martian,” a high calibre collaboration with Tre Justic. Ragged chords and muffled vox are unleashed in “SoundBlaster,” and things are brought to a powerhouse finish with “Time Skip.”
LUZCID says: “For me, it was a transformative musical process. These songs all developed over the course of a year or more. I actively tried to step outside of my comfort zone and push to the next tier musically. I wanted this piece to be seen as a transition into something new, bigger and better than ever before.”
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