Photo: Inmotion Event
Nightmare Festival wrapped its fourth year this past weekend and did so with a bang. The Camp Ramblewood grounds in Maryland were transformed into a haunted halloween nightmare that stunned fans. The two nights of festivities and music went all too fast and had us craving for one more night as the weekend came to a close. Similar to Big Dub festival, Nightmare was filled with some of the most humble and down to earth people out there. You would not find one attendee that didn’t have a smile or a laugh to share with you. The cold weather would not damper any moods as all attendees were simply grateful to be taking part in the festival. Couples snuggled close, fires burned bright, and Nightmare Festival warmed up the Ramblewood grounds through sick dance moves and even better music.

Photo: Inmotion

Photo: Inmotion
Three stages covered the Camp Ramblewood grounds throughout the weekend. Convienently, all the stages were in close proximity of each other which allowed for easy navigation. The Void was the first stage most fans passed and was dubbed the mainstage of the festival. A large warehouse that was filled with spider like webs across the ceiling made for a spooky edition to main stage. In addition, inflatable spiky props were stretched all around the warehouse. The Void would reach max capacity on Saturday as Liquid Stranger and Crizzly brought down destruction on anyone lucky enough to be in the warehouse.

Photo: Inmotion

Photo: Nightmare Festival
Costumes were brought out in full force to celebrate the fourth edition of Nightmare Festival. Everything from unicorns to power rangers could be spotted walking around the Camp Ramblewood grounds. Both interesting and hilarious costumes were seen throughout the weekend. A band of crime fighting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crushed the mainstage with their dance moves and life like costumes. A look alike Marshmello lit up the grounds with his more than realistic helmet. Although we couldn’t get pictures of every costume we were able to find some of our favorite ones from Nightmare Festival’s official photo bank!

Photo: Nightmare Festival

Photo: Nightmare Festival

Photo: Nightmare Festival
A bit farther down in the Ramblewood grounds rested the Freak Show stage. It was held in the barn and was about half the size of the mainstage. We didn’t stay in the barn for too long, however its beats could be heard ringing out until the early morning hours. Last but not least, Area 51 was the farthest stage down and was located right next to the pool. Not ironically, Area 51 would be set up as something similar to the real Area 51 in Nevada. Fences lined the perimeter and caution tape enclosed fans into the alien like stage. Our favorite stage of the festival had to be the Area 51 as it was never too packed and allowed for raging in full force. However, The Void and Freak Show regularly had music bumping into the wee hours of the morning.

Photo: Dstath

Photo: Dstath
RaverRafting Tent
For those of you that walked into main stage, you very likely passed the RaverRafting tent that was located on your left. We offered fun games for attendees to participate in and distributed some RaverRafting merchandise like earplugs, lighters, bags, and sweatshirts. We were able to connect with loads of ravers and attendees that came up to our tent to chat with us. Meeting new and interesting people is always one of the best things to occur at festivals. There was not one person we talked to with a bad bone in them and connecting with all our new friends truly made the weekend. In the mornings we offered hot coffees and waffles to cure the hangover everyone was feeling. We also had Foxtail Cold Brew Coffee that was heaven in a cup when consumed.
On Saturday, RaverRafting had an official meet and greet with none other than Liquid Stranger. The Swedish born dubstep producer came to the RaverRafting tent a little bit after his set and took pictures and talked with fans. For about 20 minutes fans lined up all around and were able to pictures with a true legend of the bass scene. One of our primary goals at RaverRafting is not only connecting with fans, but connecting the fans with artists and other people in the dance industry. We couldn’t be happier to have Liquid Stranger out for our second RaverRafting hangout and we look forward to connecting fans with more artists in the scene. Keep your eyes open to see where the next RaverRafting hangout will be going down!
This was our first year at Nightmare Festival and it certainly won’t be our last. Through the good vibes, better people, and amazing prodctuons; it’s a no brainer that Nightmare is on our must see for Halloween 2017.
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