Seven Lions has returned with a new single and brought on Ophelia artists and close friends, Jason Ross, Crystal Skies, and vocalist Jonathan Mendelsohn, to make a melodic masterpiece with “Foolish of Me”. We first got a taste of this back at the Gorge livestream hosted by Insomniac in August and fans have been fervent to get their hands on it ever since. With highly successful releases garnering millions of streams, Seven Lions label Ophelia Records is definitely one we have been keen on in 2020.
Seven Lions himself had an incredibly successful premiere of his EP, Find Another Way, as well as his latest collaboration track, “Don’t Wanna Fall” with Last Heroes and HALIENE. Recently Jason Ross has had quite a bit time in the limelight, with his recent Monday Atlas series on Insomniac as well as dropping powerful singles, “One Look” and “Open Water”. Crystal Skies has quickly nestled into our favorites list, with their most recent “Collide” that took us back to those early, emo 2000 years. It’s become clear Ophelia is an unstoppable powerhouse, with each release just as prodigious as the last.
“Foolish of Me” is almost like an answer to the 2018 collaboration between Seven Lions’, Ross and Mendelsohn on “Ocean”, both harvesting a powerful emotional response. We can see the lyrics of this new track echoing out from the crowds in full force, the kind of fan reaction that gives you goosebumps. We filter through the white noise before we are greeted with Mendelsohn’s intoxicating vocals. Before we know it, layers of fluttering synth and thumping bass push us to the top before free falling into an arsenal of supersaws, awe-inspiring melody, and tasty little pockets of growls and glitch work. We find ourselves bellowing out “foolish of me” with bittersweet passion and quickly set our settings to track repeat.
You can stream the impeccable “Foolish of Me” on Spotify and Apple Music now. Be sure to stay up to date through their socials below so you don’t miss another fire release.
And in the spirit of All Hallow’s Eve, Seven Lions will be hosting a special Halloween Visions stream on Twitch tomorrow, starting at 5 PST. On the docket we have Gem & Tauri, MitiS, Kill the Noise, and the label head himself closing out the night. This is going to be epic, be sure to tune in with us here.

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Connect with Crystal Skies
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