Transformers: Age of Extinction, the fourth installment of the title’s series, will be receiving new sound design thanks to one of electronic dance music’s stars, Skrillex. The young producer, 26, told that he’s creating “the craziest Skrillex sounds I (he) could ever make” for the film. It was also reported that the Skrillex, real name Sonny Moore, is currently working on scoring some other films, though no other titles have been mentioned publicly.
In the aforementioned article Sonny also spoke about his new side-project, called Jack U, with longtime friend Diplo.
“I’ve just known him for so long, and we’ve made so many records together. It’s just a lot of fun for him and I to get in the studio and make jokes and just really try to come up with the most annoying sounds ever. What we try to do is make the stupidest thing ever and make it actually work — that’s our only thing. The thing about the music I make and the music he makes is that even though it might sound different, sonically, we always take this, like, fun approach to making music rather than taking it too seriously. So we’ll see what comes out of this.”
Coming off the release of his debut album, “Recess,” Mr. Moore seems to have a plateful. He’s managed to continue to surprising and pleasing fans, no matter the project or effort. For EDM fans, Transformers: Age of Extinction is going to be even more interesting. Be sure to listen extra sternly when the film comes out on June 27th, 2014. In the meantime, if you haven’t heard Skrillex’s recently release album get a taste of it below.
“In the electronic world, it’s not as necessary to just release albums. So even though I just put this record out, I’m going to sprinkle in some singles and mini-EPs throughout the year. ‘Recess’ doesn’t feel that much different for me. I’ve just been releasing so much music in so many different ways, and any EP I’ve made, like ‘Bangarang’ and ‘Scary Monsters…,’ they all have some dynamic in the sense the songs are all different and they’re not all bangers. But ‘Recess’ gave me the opportunity to create more dynamics, just because it’s longer, and I really liked that challenge.”
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