Chris Siegel aligns with Andrew Briol for a moving new work entitled “Never Need To Know,” the latest single captures a message in the music, paying tribute through broad themes of not giving up, regardless of how troublesome things may get.
Incredible vocals fill in as the point of convergence, showcasing an amazing rush of feeling.
Chris Siegel expertly dismantles back the beat to amplify the verses before, layers of instrumentation acting as the glue that pieces the musical parts together.
Chris Siegel strives forward with fresh originality in 2019.
“The song was inspired by the concept of letting go — in this case a relationship. I think in our hyperconnected world, it’s become quite easy for people to have instant access to memories of past relationships/partners/etc.. Whether that’s deep diving on social media or simply seeing an old flame pop up in your feed, it’s the idea of regurgitating the past instead completely moving on. The song was inspired by a friend who was going through the motions earlier this year. Admittedly, I think it’s something we’ve all done at some point in our lives (i.e. hyper-analyzing our past when in fact it’s much smarter to move on from it). I think it’s inherently human, but also pretty unhealthy haha. To quote the song title, sometimes it’s okay to let go (i.e. there are simply things ‘we never really need to know’).”
– Chris Siegel
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