Great news for all the fans of beats and comics out there! ILLENIUM, the DJ and music producer known for his moving tracks and electrifying live gigs, is joining forces with Z2 Comics for an exciting graphic novel venture, “ILLENIUM: Presents Starfall,” hitting the shelves on November 21, 2023. The novel is set to be available in standard, deluxe, and an ultra-exclusive super deluxe edition, limited to just 100 copies and brimming with cool collectibles.
“Starfall” plunges readers into a grim, authoritarian world where the rule of the game is brutality. The story centers around Nick, a guy caught up in this violent realm, following orders and hooked on a powerful, addictive Substance controlled by a nefarious leader.
Things take a turn with the arrival of Ash, a mysterious woman who shakes Nick’s world and introduces an alternative, harmonious reality, filled with tales of phoenixes and fire. To break free, Nick faces his inner battles and digs deep into the mysterious lore of ILLENIUM. The creative team bringing this journey to life includes writers Frank Marraffino, artists Pablo Andrés, Luis Expósito Hernández, and cover artist Emilio Adrias.
Z2 Comics, always on the lookout for innovative storytelling at the intersection of music and comics, sees a perfect match in ILLENIUM. With fans all over the world, ILLENIUM’s story is a nod to his universal appeal and Z2’s groundbreaking narratives. Steve Ettinger, Z2’s VP of Marketing, is stoked about this partnership, seeing ILLENIUM as the perfect buddy to explore new storytelling landscapes.
For ILLENIUM, this collaboration is a dream come true, bringing his origin story to life in a graphic novel and offering fans a unique peek into his creative universe, showcasing Z2’s dedication to weaving engaging stories where music and graphic art meet.
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