Singer, songwriter, and vocal producer RUNN puts her heart and soul into every project she has a role in. Her completely transparent lyrics are a validation to anyone who feels isolated and helpless among their vulnerable sentiments. Through her inspiring voice, RUNN is an inspiration for many to find purpose and positivity in their lives, promising that no one she comes in contact with will have to face the darkness alone.
RUNN’s gift of embodying these genuine instinctive emotions while performing at the highest level has resulted in her being one of the most desired vocalists to collaborate with. She has worked with exceptional talents such as Illenium, Steve Aoki, Seven Lines, Kai Wachi, and others, putting her best effort into each word she sings.
Complimenting her preeminence in the realm of dance music, RUNN has established a name for herself in the pop world, layered with a foundation of mesmerizing tracks like “How To Be Happy”. Her unorthodox organic mentality towards music assists her in creating whimsical masterpieces. These masterpieces often open up doors to experiences throughout RUNN’s life. This innovative approach has led to the accumulation of millions of listeners across the globe.

Returning to her solo catalog, RUNN’s new single “If The Devil Is You” is a chilling showcase of emotional lyrics and soothing basslines. Inspired by the misfit Eddie in the fourth season of Stranger Things, the tune is a dance-friendly retro-fueled story of love.
Sharing her motivation behind the track, RUNN explains that “there’s something that Eddie embodied in the show, a misunderstood person, a complex and rough around the edges person, a social reject that really resonated with me. I’ve got a soft spot for people like that, and find that they’re the most loving and passionate people out there. I wanted to write a song to every person who’s ever felt like they weren’t supposed to love who they love, but said “fuck it” and did it anyways.”
RUNN is clearly a jack of all trades, having fully produced, written, and performed the new hit. The 80’s backdrop of vintage synths and RUNN’s hypnotic vocals form a bond that enables the song to withstand the test of time. This polished original has an optimally relaxed vibe to make listeners play it over and over again.
RUNN took the time to talk to us about a variety of subject, which can be found below.
What do you hope is the takeaway message fans gather from ‘If The Devil Is In You?’
I hope people feel impassioned to accept love, to feel freedom in expressing it even if the ‘world’ tells you not to. I’ve found that the people I’m most drawn to are people that aren’t seen by the rest of the world, and they’re the more beautiful, complicated and exciting people.
Did you have a full concept of what you wanted to create or did this song sort of pull you in a certain direction as you were making it?
The song kind of wrote itself and I was just along for the ride haha
It’s rare to have a song come together so quickly, and I think it was just because it was a really honest feeling I was having in the moment. I knew I wanted to write something for the outcasts, the left behind and the misunderstood, I think because I’ve been in that situation myself. When you can see a situation from both sides it really makes you empathetic I think.
Is it easy to get yourself in a creative mindset or do you have techniques to help warm up?
I’ve found its hard to ‘fake it’ if that makes sense, I usually just wait until I have a creative wave and then just try to ride it. There’s a lot of pressure on creatives these days to always be producing art, and that hustle culture attitude can be really draining. The last few years I’ve just been trying to give myself a lot more room to feel inspired and its been incredibly freeing and I think I’ve made the best art of my life.
Who do you credit putting you on a path musically which led to you having a career in music?
There’s been so many people who have been encouraging and life changing over the years, but I suppose my college gospel choir professor was the one who really challenged me to pursue my artistry. I’ve always struggled with feeling inadequate and with my self worth, but he really saw my talent and believed in me. He was the one who encouraged me to apply to Berklee and pursue finding my own voice in music.
Will you release more music before the end of the year?
Absolutely! I’ve got lots more collaborations in the works that’ll be out before the end of the year, and considering how quickly I got this solo song together, maybe I’ll have another one of those too!
Are you excited about the future?
More than ever! I’m constantly growing and changing and I hope I never stop exploring my relationship with music.
Is there anyone you haven’t worked with yet that you’d like to?
I’m always excited to work with new people. I’m sure there’s many people who I haven’t even come across yet that will be the best songs I’ve ever written!
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